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Writer's pictureMelinda Menning

Prayer Request: Apartment Hunting

This week Akolgo and our 2 students will be searching and looking at apartments for the 2 young men to live in. This is never an overly joyful journey and can also be quite frustrating as well as a little costly, if you have to view multiple places. Unlike here in the US it is not easy to find the locations of these places, most are not large complexes like we see here. They are more like a four plex or a very small building that has 6-10 separate apartments. Often you also have to pay an agent to help you or connect you to the landlords, all this has to happen before you even have any idea of exactly where the place is located and are even interested in looking at it. Then you have to pay a fee around $10 USD just so you can tour inside and see what it looks like! The process is long and tedious and often you are not really even sure if the place has good running water or consistent electricity until after you move in and realize there is an issue. There is no system to report bad places or report issues with land owners, you just have to rely on your intuition as to if they are trustworthy or not. Often there is not even a contract or actual agreement as we do here! Finally, once you decide on a place, you have to pay the entire year or sometimes 2 years UP FRONT! There is no pay each month as you go, it is a whole year or nothing! You can imagine how hard it is for a young adult barely making a living to be able to save enough to pay an entire year's rent in order to get a place to live.

Please pray for the Lord to direct their steps to the apartment He has set aside for them. Pray they can easily find the locations of the apartments, and that they will not have to investigate too many places and have to pay a lot of extra fees. Ask the Lord to provide them a safe, clean and well functioning apartment that will allow them to rest, study, and be a refuge for them as they seek to follow Christ.

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